Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Beginning

So how did this all begin? 4 years ago I went for breast augmentation and it was successful. Then last year due to unfortunate circumstances I went through a very traumatic year, and I began to lose a lot of weight, or more accurately, I went through considerable depression and I completely stopped eating.

I then started noticing that I could feel my implants. Now I never realized that if you do have a small amount of breast tissue this is normal (at that stage I had never researched this subject in detail) and I thought that my implants had shifted or something had gone terribly wrong with them. I made an appointment with my plastic surgeon, just so that he could find out what exactly was going on.

The day of my appointment. He examined them and completely put my mind at rest by telling me that it was just the fact that I had lost so much weight, and due to the fact that they were the older implants that were used (3 years?) they had now come out with newer improved implants were one could not feel the ridges, and that he thought it would be really good for me to replace my old ones for the newer implants. He could see that I looked completely drained and stressed out, and this he felt was the exact thing that I needed to “cheer” myself up.

I told him that I had not been eating for months, and would this be ok to still have an operation, and he said yes not a problem, everything would go completely smoothly, and once again mentioned that I need something to pick up my self esteem.

I went home and thought about what he had said. Maybe he was right – he was the doctor, he would obviously always put his patient’s lives and interests first, and he would know best, so perhaps that is what I needed. And I also thought that I did not really want to pick up the weight that I had lost, so perhaps it would be nice to have implants that you could not feel under my now limited breast tissue.

Now for my next post, I wonder if you could guess what 2 incredibly negligent and pertinent points he purposefully chose to ignore, to ensure that he just had another customer – I chose the word customer and not patient, as he does not treat his patients as patients they are customers. It was always about money for him.

In fact because of these 2 negligent points, they made a huge impact on my inability to recover from his botched surgery.

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